
Name:       柳岩 (Liu Yan)
English Name: Ada
Gender:     Female
Birthday:     1980/11/8
B/W/H: 82cm、61cm、87cm
Height:     164
Weight:     50
Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, English

If you like her, you can view here!

Her Blog: http://blog.sina.com.cn/zhuboliuyan

Her Weibo: http://t.sina.com.cn/guangxianliuyan

Her Renren: http://page.renren.com/600002463

Her QQzone: http://622009309.qzone.qq.com/

Always visits us, cause there are "Only Hotties in SpicyBook".


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1 comment:

  1. Hey Nikki your webpage is awesome and I'm letting my friends know about it all my friends male & female... Nikki you are an Intelligent Beautiful & Sexy Woman, may I ask if you would also be single or in a relationship presently "please say single" I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself you are a very intriguing woman and you have captured my complete attention which honestly is not that easily captured. Most men see a beautiful woman and thier eyes start rolling around. Your intellect and capability of putting together your own webpage is what first grabbed my attention along with you being Beautiful & Sexy also. I wouldn't be telling you the truth if I said otherwise. Honesty is a priority with me its the very first thing in acquiring another persons Respect!!! Alright enough for now Nikki, its been fun talking at you I hope if you are able to find the time that you might write back and continue this conversation I somehow started all simply from your sexy eyes and beautiful smile! Bye for now Nikki...


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